• 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 02, 2023


Right, but the opener is already there and installed. Plus, it does give you all the information and control over that interface. Buying a ratgdo for $30 and adding it into your Liftmaster opener is still a better situation than a dumb opener and a dumb switch. The dumb switch doesn’t give you open/closed/stopped status, lights, etc.

If I were to buy a new opener, I would probably get a liftmaster + ratgdo again anyway

I don’t know about him, but I really don’t want to be screwing around replacing my openers

That would be neat, but I really doubt it will ever happen

What don’t you like about ratgdo? It seems pretty good on paper, I’ve not yet got one in my hands. Hopefully soon

Hopefully this fits here? Its self hosted, but not quite what the usual self hosted post would be. I've not seen any real reviews of these, so I figured I'd post

Oh jeeeeez! That’s what I get for copying and pasting a million times


Not really, I just update containers via Portainer and update the OS with a bash script. Once every few weeks I just roll through them all, only takes 30 mins at most

Interesting, I’ll admit its been a little while since I went in there. My main concern was the ability to upload files. Text I don’t care about too much, but when random people start uploading files, thats a problem

Last time I posted a full writeup on my lab (The before before this) there was a lot of questions on what exactly I was running at home. So here is a full writeup on everything I am running, and how you can run it too

SMTP Relay Questions
I use O365 Business (Or whatever the heck they call it now) for my email, so for SMTP on all my devices at home, I use an O365 account with an app password, sending as a distro-group so it can have a custom name This works, but I don't like how every device/server has O365 creds in it. I am thinking I should setup an SMTP Relay at home locally, which sends to O365 (Or Sendgrid, etc etc) and then SMTP on local services can just point to that local address Is this the right way to go about it? What is the current best software do it? I've only ever had experience using IIS to do this, and of course I don't want to be running windows!

Looking for some kind of SSO/Account Management for TrueNAS
I have 2 x TrueNAS boxes, and because I am doing replication between them, I need to keep the UID's and GID's the same between them for accounts that are needed on both ends This leads to a situation where I must great all accounts on both sides, which gets a bit annoying. There is also situations where I need to update accounts, like my wifes account, but she has no access to TrueNAS, so I need to get to her type her password in, twice. A bit annoying I'd love a way to have a central account repository with a self serve password changing UI so people can change their password, and have it all sync between TrueNAS. Ideally the accounts would stay on TrueNAS, so if the SSO solution dies, all the accounts stay Does this exist?

Yes, I have a 27kw Natural Gas standby generator with an ATS. It takes 10 seconds from power failure, to it switching to generator power. So, the UPS just bridges that gap

In the extremely unlikely even the natural gas goes out, I have a 7.2kw Tri-fuel portable generator (Gasoline, NG and Propane) and I keep around 80 gallons of gasoline on hand, and I have an inlet and interlock on the main breaker, so I can switch to that if needed

its a Natural Gas generator, and it actually takes 10 SECONDS!

Honestly, I’m not 100% sure. I don’t have a way to monitor just the stuff in the rack as the UPS also powers a lot of other stuff in the house. Either way, I’ve worked to make everything fairly low power, or at least as low power as feasible. The things that use the most power is the disks

I can tell you its less than 800w though, as that’s the lowest the UPS goes at night. But that also does include both me and my wifes desktops which stay on 24/7, and an Apple TV, and standby power for all devices etc

  1. You’re using the Linode box as the server, on which you forward ports for your services. Am I to assume that you somehow access your homelab via your VPN using the Linode box too? Usually people would access their lab at home directly.

Yes, I also access the lab via the Linode box. I do however have direct VPN access too. The reason for using the Linode box is that for some reason, the speed and latency via the Linode box is far better that directly in. I can only assume its some kind of peering thing. I always connect in via my phone on T-Mobile, so perhaps the connection between T-Mobile and Linode, and the connection between AT&T and Linode, is better than T-Mobile to AT&T Residential? Unsure, all I know is that it works 100x better. And it also means I don’t need 2 different connections for the primary and secondary WAN, I can just connected to Linode and it will connect over whatever connection is active

  1. Wouldn’t a whitebox build for your NAS save power?

This really is a whitebox build, it uses very little power. The disks use the most amount of power, which there is no getting around

  1. What are you using both switches for? Are you running out of ports?

The 1Gb switches? yes, I ran out of ports on the Dell, or am very, very close

  1. Since you’re running VMWare, are you running VMs for every service? Why not containers?

Everything that can run in containers already is, on Debian VM’s within ESXi

  1. Even if most of the content on your blog is static, how are you hosting it for it to load so quickly? Are you using some sort of CDN in front of your Linode box to cache the static assets like pictures?

I am using CloudFlare in front of it, so that’s probably why. But even directly its pretty quick. I guess NVMe storage and decent internet means its fast?


I’ve been there! Such a hassle. It was great when I moved and was finally able to do what I wanted

Maybe I’ll give it a go again, after all it does have a really nice slick WebUI

Honestly its all cheaper than you think, 100% of it I bought used bar a few things, and over a long amount of time too. Plus messing with stuff like this has 100% helped me advance my career

It sure can, but so far I’ve not found much use for it. I set it up to see if it can block YouTube ads in the mobile app, but it can’t. Since I already use uBlock Origin, I don’t know what I gain

I am in the US and I do… In fact, I can upgrade to symmetrical 5Gb now with AT&T

Hopefully this is not too long! There has been a lot of changes since the last time I posted a full overview like this

Moving my Blog off of Linode and back Home (Sort of)
Well, that didn't take very long at all! As with almost everything, the cloud seems appealing, and then slowly increased in price while the service gets reduced