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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 17, 2023


The Podman developers did contribute to Docker for a while before starting the project. Docker kept introducing issues and had some fundamentally bad design decisions that they didn’t want to change.

At least try to look into the history of these things before making broad and easily falsifiable statements.

Podman wasn’t built due to NIH. Docker has real problems (though many have been fixed), and Podman was built to fix those.

I am happy with my simple docker-compose setup - one root folder with one subfolder per project containing the compose file and any configuration mounted into the container. Traefik automatically exposes all services I want under a well-known URL using a single line in each compose file. Watchtower updates the containers.

This has been running stable for over two years with probably 2-3 reboots in between. If my current NUC ever breaks I’ll set it up again using Podman instead of Docker, but aside from that I couldn’t be happier!