• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 19, 2023


What token provider you could suggest?
I have a bunch of personal projects that I'm working on. They all need some for sort of authentication. I think it'd be easier to have a dedicated service to manage tokens instead of implementing it again and again for each service. Amazon, Google and Microsoft provide something like that, but I'm looking for a self-hosted solution. Any suggestions?

Why move from Reddit to a forum?

Sadly, I don’t see the answer to this question. While reddit shares some features with classic forums, these platforms are different. Moving to XenForo, which also requires a quite expensive license, is not the best choice as a reddit replacement.

One database for many different services could pose a security risk, though it should be extremely low if each service can access only its own database. However, it’d be harder to distribute services across different hosts if you ever decided to do that. Also, different services could require or work better with different database types. I prefer to use separate database containers.