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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 09, 2023


You can start by checking out the e-commerce list on awesome selfhosted. At a glance there are multiple which seem to be easy to set up, and require no code, so you should take a deeper look and decide based on your needs.


If you find something there that suits your needs make sure to let us know why you chose it :)

Not sure about debian, but the archlinux iso has ssh on per default, so if you have no other bootable drives in your server other than the usb with the iso, just fire it up and try to connect to it via ssh.

It’s funny how it is the exact opposite for me.

All my WD drives died, while all my Seagate drives are in perfect working order.

Bought 2 WD hdds new, used them for about 4 years in RAID for daily borg backups, one died, the other got very slow with tons of smart errors.

Bought 2 Seagate hdds new, same usecase, same capacity, have been running for over 5 years now.

Personal anecdotes are not a reliable factor for manufacturer quality.

To quote some statistics:

In general, Seagate drives are less expensive and their failure rates are typically higher in our environment. But, their failure rates are typically not high enough to make them less cost effective over their lifetime.

Source: https://www.backblaze.com/blog/backblaze-drive-stats-for-2022/

hetzner storage box is cheaper afaik and works the same

I think pi 5 might be pretty good for you.

If I am not mistaken, they improved the io A LOT in the pi 5.

Also, you might be able to use the old HAT, at least it worked with pi3 poe hats on pi4.

What things do you do that hiccup?

It honestly reallt depends whether your task is hindered by storage speed (sd card), io speed (lan + usb ports), single core speed or lack of threads/cache. It would be good to find out what the limiting resource is, to understand the best upgrade path.

Personally I am a fan of the soquartz blades

But I doubt one of those is more powerful than a pi. I run a cluster of them with k3s and distributed nvme storage, but that may not be useful for your particular needs.

xpipe might really be perfect for you then.

I use it to manage all my machines, vms, docker containers etc. which I would usually ssh into.

It keeps a list of them for you and you can open a commandline or a filemanager with a single click.

What about xpipe?

It has a nice gui and ssh filemanager. Runs on all OSes afaik