• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023

Does there exist a YouTube proxy server?
I am starting to detangle myself from Google and one of the services I use is YouTube. I learned that piped exists the other day but that is just a front end for Google. Is there a tool that I can host on my server that will let me give it YouTube links, that will then download/stream to my server and then server to my phone or computer? I guess I am looking for a tool that will cache my YouTube videos locally and even download my subscriptions when they upload new stuff. I'm not sure what this buys me that Piped does not, except that I am backing up videos in case they are removed.

To add, hypervisor is very low level, below the operating system often. Hypervisors allow you to run multiple operating systems on the same hardware.

Containers are isolated processes running within an operating system using stuff like cgroups.

It has been years since I played with it but OpenStack is a suite of tools to build a data center like AWS or Azure. You can get the VM bit up and running pretty quick with basic packages on an Ubuntu system if you want to play with it, but again it has been years.

What is your goal? Playing with kvm may be a better path if you want to understand virtualization.

If you want to upskill for a job, I’d see if there is a certificate to work on. Even if you don’t want the cert, the curriculum might be a good starting point.