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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


In my experience self hosting email it has pretty much been “set it and forget it”. I feel like there’s a lot of fud from people with misconfigured email servers (because there is a lot that can go wrong on setup). In every case I’ve seen where people are complaining about email deliverability I’ve found that they haven’t configured DKIM or rDNS properly. That doesn’t mean there can’t be issues, and I am sure it is technically possible to get sent to oblivion, but I feel like this issue might be somewhat overblown.

Smart TVs are god awful, and I hate the OS on our LG TV. That said there is finally a Jellyfin app on WebOS so it has that going for it now… I’m too cheap to buy a separate box for Jellyfin and stuff for the TV, so I guess it’s good enough… but in general I wish the TV OS got out of the way a little more.

To be honest, antivirus software is just not really a security tool. If you’re at the point where malicious software is running on your server you’ve already lost and it’s hard to know what extent the damage will be. Having proper isolation is much more important (something which, tbh, Linux isn’t quite as great at as we’d like to think, at least not with additional effort… mobile operating systems seem to take the isolation of applications a lot more seriously). You could maybe argue that the anti virus software is useful for monitoring, but I’d rather have some stronger guarantees that my application isn’t going to take my lunch money and private keys than a notice a day later that something sketchy is on my machine… I won’t flat out say a virus scanner is completely useless, because of course you can contrive of scenarios where one could be helpful, but they’re kind of dubious.

Also yeah, ClamAV afaik isn’t really used like a typical windows antivirus. It’s mostly used on mail servers to scan email attachments. It’s not necessarily even looking for “Linux viruses”.

AFAIK this is not what happens on NixOS. Every package gets installed into a directory that’s a hash of its dependencies in the nix store, but there’s no special isolation or anything on NixOS (well, when the packages are built there’s some isolation, but that’s mostly to keep the builds honest). That said, NixOS is a little better than most distros about creating separate daemon users for services with different permissions, but I don’t think it’s done universally. I love NixOS and it has many benefits, but I don’t think this is one.

Is something local like org / org-roam (maybe in a git repo for sync) out of the question? If you’re messing with IMAP for this I can’t imagine a git repo with text files (optionally gpg encrypted, well supported by org) would be off the table.

This is how I ended up on FreshRSS. It’s not my favourite looking thing or anything, but it seems to work the best (especially in terms of supporting mobile apps). I wish it was more tag centric, though. It’s kind of clunky having to make single categories for everything.