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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


Since your other question is already answered:

think leaving it as it is (unencrypted, no domain name, only accessible through IP) will be problematic.

Yes, that’s no biggy since it is on your local network only. But be aware that everyone that has access to your network could potentionally capture all the files you’re transfering and your nextcloud credentials as well. Other than that, your communication with nc will be encrypted on the wifi layer.

So you want to redirect podcasts over your server and save your progress there? Maybe icecast (maybe combined with mpd) will do the trick?"

I’m using mailcow which comes with sogo groupware which works nice with davx⁵ on android, calendar, mail (with fair email app), tasks (with tasks.org app) and contacs.

  1. Go Linux. It is far superior.
  2. get a domain (third level from here for free for starters) and ssl certs from lets encrypt. IP Addresses and no or self signed ssl will look super shady for any not coputer savy person and is unsafe (at least no ssl is)

I use different ones. Got an legit dpmain which I also use locally (with ssl certificates) and in my local network my server listens to SERVI. Just SERVI.

I’m using a SSH tunnel to connect a port on my vps to a port on my home server. I have rhevssl certificates both on the vps and the home server (I trust the vps provider), but I’m pretty sure (correct me if I’m wrong!) that this would work with the certificates only on the home server. Could the vps provider do a mitm then? I’m not sure, the packets go in one port and are directly forwarded to my home server.

Can the vps provider get their own certificates? That’s a good question. I guess you could check the certificate when connecting to prevent tampering. Datetime of issue alone should be enough since vps providers can’t fake that. Unless you don’t trust CAs either :)