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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023

Looking for selfhosted app for managing and playing podcasts
I’d like to self-host an app to manage and play podcasts from any of my devices via local/vpn. I found PinePods which is new but looks promising: https://github.com/madeofpendletonwool/PinePods I was curious if you guys were using anything else? Thanks P.S. sorry if this has been asked before, I couldn’t figure out how to effectively search lemmy communities

Bro get your artichoke off the nuc

Solution to auto record video / audio calls and store the files
I live in a one party area. I’ve long wanted to set up a solution to seamlessly record video or audio calls and store them Seeing how everything went down with Apollo and Reddit made me want to revisit the idea. I was impressed Apollo had the foresight to record the calls. The way reddit lied and tried to manipulate is the exact sort of thing that I want to protect myself against in the future. Any ideas? Thank you