• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023

RaspberryPi becoming unresponsive at random intervals
Issue Description: I have been having this issue with my raspberry pi running dietPi where it seems to lock up and I cannot SSH / access any of the services on it. The interesting part is that the interface seems to be up and I can still ping it on the local network but shows no video output. usually I get about 3-6 days before the issue appears again. I am not really sure where to start to diagnose this issue. Any help would be appreciated! Things Tried: Reduced operating temp by getting a fan. I want to say this improved the length in between this issue appearing but don't really have any hard evidence. uninstalled unused services Limited active torrents in QbitTorrent EDIT: Small thing to mention is that the CPU load is usually really high - like not uncommon for the load to be between 8-10 but I have seen it as high as 24. Temporary fix: Power cycle - everything comes up again in less than a minute. Raspberry Pi 3B v2 OS: DietPi Services: Lidarr Radarr Sonarr Prowlarr Qbittorrent Mullvad VPN - WireGaurd SSH

I can’t wait for normalization to be built in. I have had to dump my music into mp3gain prior to importing it so this would save a lot of time.

As well, means I will be more open to other,higher quality, formats.

I wanted to start cheap so I admit I got something that wasn’t the most expandable long term but my only problems so far have been storage.

I haven’t worked with LVMs in awhile now but I will make note of this if I can manage to get both drives going at the same time.

I spent 100$ on a cheap e-waste bound Dell. All proprietary parts so the power supply didn’t have any extra power cables I could see for another drive.

With that being said I’ll take another look just to make sure. As a lot of other people have said a second drive for holding the data would for sure be ideal.

I do have my own normal.windows PC that I could just dump it all onto. My Proxmox install I am not worried about its really just my one VM that I have spent weeks on now getting my various services setup on.

Can the VMs be moved separately? If so, that would make this a lot easier to just move them to a USB and install the new drive.

Moving Proxmox server from one SSD to another.
I have spent the last couple of weeks getting my small used PC into my Proxmox server and it's going great! ...Until I quickly ran into the 256GB SSD size limit of the included drive. So I have ordered a much larger (2tb) one so I can expand much more. Ideally, I would like to make an exact clone of what I have now just on my bigger SSD to avoid having to rebuild my VMs One issue is that the computer has room for one drive only. I was hoping to get an exact clone to a USB drive then clone to the new drive once replaced with the new one. Any suggestions or tips would be appreciated, thank you. EDIT: Took another look in the guts of my system managed to get another 2tb SSD in there. Disconnected cd drive and got a power splitter and boom. Could probably get another one even with another splitter as it's got a 3rd sata port.

Oracle Free Tier VPS Self Hosting Ideas
Hello SelfHosted! I have recently setup my own free tier oracle VPS and am looking to get my feet wet with some simple services that I can host on there to get started. I should mention I have successfully setup SSH with the private key so that part is good to go. Any ideas are welcome!