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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Tape/glue the Pi in the case to the HDD.


For what?

I don’t let my users transcode and provide instructions how to set playback to the original Quality.

That will happen, yes, but the bigger question then is what’s wrong with the video file.

What CPU do you have?

I’ve run Jellyfin without transcoding from a raspberry pi for 2-3 streams without stuttering.

Hey, it happens. That’s why it’s great to be able to ask others for suggestions :)

So, not officially.

Which would be enough for me to not use an officially unsupported OS.

Pretty much, so long as your clients support the bitrate and resolution. (As others have said) see below

If all you’re looking to do is setup a Jellyfin server that won’t do any transcoding, you could very easily use a raspberry pi with an external Hard Drive.


Why NVME for storage? Why not NVME for OS and Hard Drives for storage?

Not every project can run in docker/linux.

What are you going to host/ use the server for?

Would be a pain, but you can’t beat the cost. For sending out email where you don’t care about retaining, it works VERY well.

+1 for MP3Tag; it’s a wonderful tool and I’m overdue to donate to them.

I also use Plex to host the music but use PlexAmp for playback; the additional features (Sonic Adventure / “DJs”/etc.) are great features.

I used to until I realized that I’ve got bigger threats to worry about.

And like someone else mentioned, if I have to do data recovery for some unknown reason I want to make sure the data’s not encrypted.

Got that link? I just looked and don’t see anything in this post linking to a computer with a desktop class processor that will run on PoE.

… they don’t run on PoE+…

They do not; the power requirement is too high. You’re not going to find a computer with a “desktop class” CPU that can be powered via PoE.


That’s over my head. I barely have a grasp on docker. And even then I’m paranoid that I’m screwing something up.

No idea what a bind mount is.

Is that supposed to be a line in the compose file?

Tried to use it, but I don’t want to move all of my data from my currently laid out folder/file structure into a docker container that I then need to backup/upgrade/feed/water/etc., especially when my grasp on docker containers is limited (at best) and I’m dealing with “production” data.

I wish the software worked like Immach; I could point it at a root folder and it would index everything with read only rights.

That, and I’m slightly worried that this iteration will stop being supported and it gets forked (again) which is great that it can be forked but I have no idea what would go into migrating data (see my limited docker knowledge from the first sentence).

They haven’t built a PC since shirtly after they were 10-11…

Well, they’d need a much bigger shirt now than when they were 10 or 11.

I’ll see myself out.

More secure way of doing what? Accessing data? Locking down the existing environment? Something else?

I’ve run a similar setup; to me using Hyper-V isn’t weird (especially if you’re trying to mimic a work environment at home to continue learning).

Seconded for Our Groceries. The sync between devices is great and I LOVE the barcode scanning.

Yes, been running one for many years and it’s great.

Shoutout to the PiHole team!

Ok. So you just wanted to self host; it’s not like Feedly did you wrong somehow.