SysOp, Gamer, Nerd. In no particular order.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


You can run with your own reverse proxy Nginx if:

  • You expose the port used by the backend/API with a “ports:” setting on the compose file
  • Expose the socket used by the ytproxy container using a volume that points to a directory in the host

You’ll still need 3 DNS names and a SSL certificate to cover all three.

TO configure your Nginx, you can use the template I provided on the config/ directory as a base.

Due to difficulties I had installing Piped, an alternative frontend for Youtube, I decided to improve and document the process in a better way. In the end, I pretty much redid the whole thing, leaving almost no stone un-turned. You can test my installer from my repo and post any comments and doubts here.

Those look nice. I don’t need a dedicated desktop client, since I always have Firefox open anyways, but I’ll give Libretube a try on my phone. Bonus, Libretube’s Mastodon account is on the same instance that I use :-)

Just installed Viewtube. What’s your favorite alternative youtube frontend ?
I used a public instance of Piped for a while and thought about selfhosting it, but the installation process was incredibly hard, to the point of being obnoxious, and in the end, it didn't even work. I liked the features I saw on the public instances and would like to revisit it some time. Until there I'm using [Viewtube]( Installation was a breeze and it looks pretty nice. Do you have some other YT frontend that we could try, post it here and tell us how easy/difficult it is to run and your opinion about it.

Since this is /c/selfhosted, it would be a good idea to add “HA - HomeAssistant, a popular automation software” to the list. Another one id “LXC - Linux Containers”

I already did a few months ago. My setup was a mess, everything tacked on the host OS, some stuff installed directly, others as docker, firewall was just a bunch of hand-written iptables rules…

I got a newer motherboard and CPU to replace my ageing i5-2500K, so I decided to start from scratch.

First order of business: Something to manage VMs and containers. Second: a decent firewall. Third: One app, one container.

I ended up with:

  • Proxmox as VM and container manager
  • OPNSense as firewall. Server has 3 network cards (1 built-in, 2 on PCIe slots), the 2 add-ons are passed through to OPNSense, the built in is for managing Proxmox and for the containers .
  • A whole bunch of LXC containers running all sorts of stuff.

Things look a lot more professional and clean, and it’s all much easier to manage.

SearxNG for search:

You can try it using a public instance if you like, but since installing it is easy and painless, just go for it.

SearxNG installation is pretty simple
Today I decided to install SearxNG, just to for $h1ts and giggles, and to avoid a little bit of tracking by those creeps at Google and Bing. I started wit a clean Debian 12 LXC container on my Proxmox server and used the installation script route. I just needed to: - Create a non-root user . **DO NOT** call this user searxng, this is the user the install script creates for you, if it already exists, the script will fail - Add this user to the the sudo group - Install sudo, git and curl - Clone the install repo - Run the install script - Run the nginx setup script That's it. The search page will be available in http://<ip-address>/searxng

Have you tried FreshRSS for feeds ? I’m pretty happy with it.

No CDN. The secret is way simpler: It’s a static site. Just a bunch of files served directly by Nginx. I use Pelican to generate the site from Markdown files.

Hello selfhosters.

Here’s my list of stuff:

On a VPS hosted in Germany:

On my home server (my old gaming PC, repurposed)

  • Proxmox to manage several containers/VMs:
    • OPNsense Firewall
    • HomeAssistant
    • Pihole
    • Gitlab
    • Jellyfin