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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


This is definitely an over-engineered setup…

I store my Docker Compose files in an internal-only git repo (hosted on Gitea).

Drone is my CI/CD system, and I use Renovatebot to look for updates to container tags (never pull latest). My workflow is this:

  1. Renovatebot runs once a night (at midnight) via Drone in a Docker container (I’ve written about this here). If a new image tag is found, it opens a PR in Gitea.
  2. I manually log in to Gitea and approve the PR.
  3. The PR approval (merging to master) kicks off a Drone workflow that does the following:
    • Runs an Alpine Linux container
    • SSHes from the Alpine Linux container into my Docker host
    • Runs a script (on the Docker host) that basically runs git pull, then docker compose -f "$D" pull and then docker compose -f "$D" up -d.
    • If there is a failure, Drone emails me

I’ve written about step 3 here.

This means I never manually update Docker Compose files, I let Renovate manage everything, I approve PRs, then I walk away and let the scripts run.

I also run a single-node K3s cluster that is hosted on GitHub. Again, using Renovate to open PRs, and I run Flux so watch for changes to master, which then redeploys applications.