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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


You could look into low profile GPUs. Off the top of my head, the 3050 is probably the strongest of those, unless you’re willing to look into the A-class cards

[Question] what is the recommended procedure for replacing a pool on TrueNAS?
I bought some new drives to replace the old ones I had lying around, and want to replace them entirely (4x 1tb -> 2x 4tb). I have a few apps running on it (Syncthing, Transmission, Tailscale, etc.), and I wanted to know what the best way to perform a drive upgrade would be. AFAIK the apps are installed on the pool as well, so will I just have to reinstall them from scratch? The motherboard has 5 SATA ports, which are all currently occupied, so I don't know if I can do an "in-house" replacement.

Navidrome functionality
[Cross-posted from HomeServer@lemmy.ml] I have Navidrome set up on my home server running TrueNAS, and I've set up a few playlists there via the web interface. However, I've noticed that the android apps with OpenSubsonic support do not allow me to create playlists on them. Are there any apps with this feature (as well as local download support), or is this not supported over OpenSubsonic?

[Question] How do I get links within a NAS working on multiple OS?
Hello again. I have several movies saved on my NAS, and wanted to have them in one folder for easy searching while also having folders for specific genres. I tried creating some symlinks on my Linux machine, but those aren't visible on Windows or Android. I then tried creating shortcuts on a Windows machine, but those don't work on Linux or Android. Is there any hope for setting up universally recognized symlinks/shortcuts?

[Question] Accessing NAS from phone
Hi all. I recently (yesterday) set up a TrueNAS Core server from some old hardware I had lying around, and it feels great to be self-hosting! I currently only have Syncthing set up on it for a couple of files, but I'd like to be able to manage all the files on the pool from my phone if I need to. What would be the best software to accomplish this?